Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sibelius, Enemy of Morpheus

Sibelius (www.sibelius.com) is just about the greatest tool for getting some music written. I can spend hours tootling around on the organ, but writing that stuff down is so painful and slow that I rarely manage to get more than a scrap or two notated before I give up in favour of something fun (like watering the plant). Last night I was up until 1:30, writing some sort of minimalist pastiche that I hadn't even planned on. It's so easy to get lost in trying out sequences of notes, changing odd ones here and there, and instantly finding out how it sounds when played through lousy MIDI. This is why composing is a full-time job. The piece I worked on last night isn't very long so far but at least it's a lot more than I would have gotten done farting around on the keyboard, although the music itself isn't worth much. It's a bit like some the stuff on this album -


but not as good.

Plus I got down a nice chunk of a piece I've been slowly working on for King Rig for months. Maybe in an act of supreme self-indulgence I'll post the scores on this blog just to prove to myself that I'm productive. At this point it's just a question of working my way back up to at least a modest level of craftsmanship. I don't know why I said back just now.

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